Zephyr Heights

Wear your helmet!
There is a lot more to this gritty urban sim than skateboards. Tripper has recreated small, rundown town in it's entirety, complete with a variety of bars and other seedy hangouts. There is a Bispa rental kiosk to the immediate right of your landing spot at a bus stop. Simply click to rez a scooter.

As soon as I turn this thing around I am riding off into the sunset.
Need groceries? Zmart is the convenience store.

Free Zershy Bars! Awesome.

To my unending delight - the movie theater shows Rocky Horror.
After the show - stop by Stella Waffles for a piece of pie.

Best pie in SL.
You'll find more ramps in the abandoned building in the northwest corner of the sim. There are roulette tables on the second floor.
Huh. I never did buy that unicylce. Good thing I made SLurls.
Skate Park, Zephyr Heights (97, 185, 24)
ZMart, Zephyr Heights (37, 183, 24)
Zephyr Films, Zephyr Heights (213, 208, 24)
Stella Waffles, Zephyr Heights (168, 216, 24)
Abandoned Building, Zephyr Heights (40, 228, 23)
There is a forced teleport to the bus stop, so it's best to use a combination of SLurls and the map to get around.
There is a residential area toward the south with the same gritty charm (and a psycho's cabin in the woods).
cool stuff
I bought my skateboard in Zephyr Heights, you're right, it's a great sim. I must have missed the scooters, must go back soon. C
mmmm Zershy bars!!!
I only missed the mart... :(
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