Unexplored. Unpaved. Un-populated.

These are sims so new that they aren't even represented as grid squares on the map. It is the wilderness of Second Life.

Primeval. Raw. And lag free.

My Registrator-Tron didn't recognize their existence (version .51 - now with an in-world sim neighbor feature and giftability).
Hurry. Visit before it is too late.
Empty, Unnamed(16,9) (159, 116, 56)
Empty, Unnamed(14,10) (151, 132, 26)
Registrator-Tron .51, Green (190, 170, 22)
They are so new that SLurls don't work. You can get there the old fashioned way: type in the coordinates on the map screen.

These are sims so new that they aren't even represented as grid squares on the map. It is the wilderness of Second Life.

Maybe I'm the first avatar to set foot in this new land.
Primeval. Raw. And lag free.

My Registrator-Tron didn't recognize their existence (version .51 - now with an in-world sim neighbor feature and giftability).
Hurry. Visit before it is too late.
Empty, Unnamed(16,9) (159, 116, 56)
Empty, Unnamed(14,10) (151, 132, 26)
Registrator-Tron .51, Green (190, 170, 22)
They are so new that SLurls don't work. You can get there the old fashioned way: type in the coordinates on the map screen.
Thanks Ida! always fun to see the unbroken SL horizon :) - Forseti
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